Special Offer Ends In:



Save your spot in next year’s 6-Figure Scale program now for $497 and pay the 2022 price! (This is a savings of $2,097!)

The 6-Figure Scale:
Business Growth Program

The most comprehensive program for scaling to 6-figures & beyond and finding joy in your business

The 6-Figure Scale is the only holistic implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to scale your business like a pro — but partners with you to help you every step of the way.

“I wish I had done this program earlier because I would have been so much further ahead and saved so much money!”

- Emma L. (Current 6-Figure Scale Student)


“I’ve been working so hard and I still can’t seem to break over $100k in revenue.”

“I’m lost on how to identify and find my ideal client so I’m constantly struggling to have a consistent flow of clients.”

“I have huge goals but sometimes I lack the confidence and right mindset to make them happen.”

I don’t know the financial health of my business. I’m constantly concerned that I’m missing something important or loosing money instead of investing it wisely.”

“I’m frustrated because I don’t know what my services are really worth or how to raise my prices to match their value. Could I be earning more without working more hours?”

“I have a lot of anxiety about taxes and always have to pay a huge amount in taxes each year.”

“I feel so disorganized and overwhelmed with the bookkeeping and processes side of my business. I just don’t understand it fully or have the desire to figure it out on my own.”

“I often feel stress about making ALL my business financial decisions on my own without expert advice and guidance. I worry about making major mistakes that could cost me everything.”

Our students increase their revenue, save an average of 5-figures in taxes, and find more joy and peace in their business.

“I mentally and emotionally benefited from the program."

“It helped me have a sense of calm and an understanding of how to actually benefit my business.”

Deon M.

“I’m so thankful to Counting Pennies and that I have them in my corner!”

“In this program, I was able to…look at a different classification for my business, write things off that I didn’t know were tax write-offs, and have one-on-one sessions to get all my questions answered. And I was never treated like someone who didn’t know what they were doing.”

Deesha D. 

"This was great and covered so many tips that I was never aware of before!"

“Knowledge is power, and in this case, knowledge is cash in my pocket. I will definitely be implementing these strategies into my financial plan.”

Jessica V. 

Stop struggling to scale and find joy in your business!

You deserve to earn more. Probably WAY more for the work you’re putting in right now. The only problem is… scaling often takes more than just hard work. 

But here’s the good news…

‌There are simple tools, strategies, and mindsets that can accelerate your business growth and help you find joy in your business


A comprehensive course + 1-year of PERSONALIZED SUPPORT―from a team of business and financial experts who actually care about your results

What's the Fastest Way to Accelerate Business Growth?

There are a few clear factors that determine whether a business is healthy and able to scale to 6-figures and beyond… to know that, you need a world-class training that takes the pain out of scaling, teaches you how to find clients that bring you joy, and gives support as often as you need it.

Having support with the key elements of your business means you won’t be left guessing for solutions that end in costly disappointment ever again.

In other words:

The fastest way to accelerate your business growth is to have an experienced expert (who is in the trenches everyday and knows what really works TODAY!) work with you to accentuate your strengths and help you improve your weaknesses.

It's time for you to reach your business goals.

Just imagine.

🌟 You’ve found and are working with clients you adore who pay you what you’re worth.

🌟 You’re saving so much in taxes you can take some extra time off without worrying.

🌟 Your books and processes are up-to-date and organized making you feel confident, relaxed, and with peace of mind. 

🌟 You know and understand the health of your business so you are positive you’re making the best decisions for your future growth and success.

🌟 You’re running your business like a pro and scaling to over 6-figures without adding to your workload.


Hi, I'm Randy!

I’m the Chairman and CEO of Counting Pennies, LLC, a private accounting firm. I’m also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and an Enrolled Agent (EA).  

Over the last twenty years, I have been teaching financial responsibility. I especially love teaching the important stuff that they don’t teach in school that we need to get ahead financially and in business…

Important things like how to reduce tax liability by means of strategic tax planning, maximize tax deductions, understand business basics and compliance and the best business structure for you. 

That’s what The 6-Figure Scale is all about—a mentoring partnership to guide and support small business owners and solopreneurs to attain and surpass 6-figures in revenue.

I can’t wait to help you grow the business of your dreams!

The 6-Figure Scale Program is For You, If You:

  • Have a successful business but need expert guidance to take it to the next level
  • Owe a lot in taxes every year and would like to stop wasting money on taxes you shouldn’t have to pay
  • Need assistance to identify and find your ideal clients and charge what you’re worth
  • Would like clarity and peace of mind around your business finances

No more exhausting yourself, spinning your wheels hoping for growth.

No more worrying about the health of your business or if you are going to get a HUGE tax bill. 

No more having potential clients haggle with you on prices (when you know your worth more than you are asking in the first place!)

It’s time to confidently create the business of your dreams. 

What's it like to be a part of our program?


Module 1: The Power of Value Pricing 

Want to charge what your services are really worth instead of discounting so much you barely make a profit? In these classes, learn:

⭐ What the right pricing strategy is for you and how to discount the right way

⭐ The only two ways to price and how to increase your prices the right way

⭐ What to do when your competitors are cheaper 

Module 2: Business Expenses and How to Plug Money Leaks

As a business owner, you need to make important decisions each day. When you know the health of your business, you can make those decisions with less stress knowing they are the right ones. In these classes, learn:

⭐ How to read and understand a Profit & Loss Statement to know the health of your business 

⭐ How to evaluate recurring expenses so  you get the most out of the money you spend 

⭐ Three Key Performance Indicators (and why you need to pay attention to them)

Module 3: Streamline Your Internal Systems

Internal systems + organization = efficiency, cash flow, and peace of mind. In these classes, learn:

⭐ What efficient business workflows, tools, and processes will work best for you?

⭐ Why outsourcing is your friend and how it can help you grow

⭐ Should you hire contractors or employees? Here’s what you need to know

Module 4: Identify Your Ideal Client 

Stop trying to sell to everyone—that will only hurt your chances of finding clients you adore and who adore you. In these classes, discover:

⭐ Exercises and strategies to find that secret sauce that only you hold that you should be communicating to your prospective clients

⭐ How to optimize social media pages, landing pages, and lead magnets to attract clients you adore on repeat

Module 5: Business Investment and Retirement Planning for C-Suite Business Owners

Don’t forget to invest in your future like a C-Suite business owner. In these classes, learn:

⭐ How to invest in yourself like a CEO

⭐ Retirement strategies for a lifetime of financial security

Module 6: Proactive Business Tax Planning

Tax planning is often key to scaling a business to the six-figure mark and beyond. Without it, you’ll be left in the dust by your competitors. In these classes, learn:

⭐ The top underutilized tax deductions and how you can make sure not to miss anything

⭐ Tax-saving strategy game changers that you’ll kick yourself for not implementing sooner!

Module 7: Leaning Into Professional Development

Learn how and when to grow and how to avoid mistakes in the process with continual professional development. In these classes we’ll be reviewing 2 incredible books that will accelerate your growth and keep you on the path of scaling your business. You’ll learn:

⭐ Secret strategies for growing a business you love

⭐ Essential things that highly successful people do that you should do too

To sum it up, The 6-Figure Scale shows you how to increase your revenue and find joy and peace of mind in your business part-time so that you can have the life you dream about. 

You’ll learn how to strategically leverage and improve what you already have to grow your business like never before.

What's included in The 6-Figure Scale program?


TOTAL VALUE: $22,088

14 Live Training Classes and Q&A Sessions with Randy Hughes and Finance Coaches

Attend a 1-hour live class once per week that teach HOW to implement the 7 steps to scaling without a lot of work step-by-step. All of the class recordings will be available in our online course portal for you to watch and re-watch as needed. 


18 Virtual One-On-One Sessions with Our Finance Coaches for Personalized Support and Guidance 

Get ready to accelerate your growth during the first 3 months of the program with two 1:1 sessions with a Finance Coach per month, including one with CPA, Randy Hughes + 2 with a Marketing Specialist + 2 with a licensed Financial Advisor! 

These sessions will assist you with applying the training taught in class to your personal situation. 

Then, during the next 9 months of the program, enjoy one 1:1 session with a Finance Coach per month. These sessions will provide continued support and accountability as you work to execute your business growth plan that is provided for you.


Monthly Get Stuff Done Sessions

The #1 thing that separates business owners who scale to 6-figures and beyond from those who don’t is action! Take advantage of these scheduled GSD virtual sessions to check things off of your business scaling to-do list.  Attending these sessions is a great way to be sure you make steady progress toward achieving your goals. 


Monthly Webinar Trainings (12 total)

Once per month, join our live, members only webinars for business owners. These webinars cover a wide range of essential topics from QuickBooks basics to year-end tax deductions and strategies. 



⭐ Four Personalized 90-day Business Growth Plans

⭐ Quarterly QuickBooks set up, clean up, or review (Up to 3 months)

⭐ Business Structure Review and LLC and/or S Corp filing, if needed

⭐ 2 Recommended business growth books and reading sessions

⭐ Weekly virtual group office hours for live individual support

⭐ Members Only Private Facebook for additional support from coaches

⭐ 12 month access to video library + class recording portal

TOTAL VALUE: $12,997

Your 1 year of Program Support also Includes:

Private Facebook Group

Access to our private Facebook™ Group for members only to hear from our finance coaches and enjoy an occasional pop-in session with our CPA, Randy.

This is a great way to get your questions answered, share successes and challenges, learn from the experiences of others, discover new strategies, and get solutions to problems you've been facing.

Weekly Live Office Hours

Need to troubleshoot? Ready for your next step? Join our weekly group Q&A calls for LIVE individual support.

Our virtual office is a place to ask our coaches the questions that are important to you to get questions answered, be able to move on to the next step, and have confidence that you're doing it right the first time.

Video Library

Topics include:
⭐ Often underutilized tax deductions
⭐ How to maximize the home office, vehicle, and mileage deductions
⭐ Which business structure is right for your business
⭐ Understanding financial reports
⭐ Hiring family members tax strategies
⭐ Wise healthcare tax strategies
⭐ Retirement plans and self-directing your retirement funds
⭐ Family trust and estate planning
⭐ And more!


Save your spot in next year’s 6-Figure Scale program now for $497 and pay the 2022 price!

This is a savings of $2,097!

(Offer ends December 17th.)

Are you ready to finally have the courage and confidence to build the joyful, 6-figure business you both desire & deserve?

Save Your Spot for


The total cost of the course is $7,200. (This includes a $2,097 discount on $9,297, which is the cost of the program in 2023.) After your deposit of $497, the balance due of $6,703 will be due in September of 2023 before the program starts. There will be a payment plan available.

The deposit of $497 to reserve your spot and receive the discount on next year’s price is non-refundable, but there is no obligation to pay the balance and join the program next year if you decide not to. 




How Can The 6-Figure Scale Benefit You?

Save Hundreds, Even Thousands,
In Taxes

Receive personalized tax strategies and coaching that can turn every day expenses into tax deductions and reduce tax liability.

Build a Profitable Business With Less effort than you think

Marketing, ads, sales funnels, lead magnets, webinars…learn how to simplify marketing and become a magnet to your ideal clients…PROFIT!

Build a legacy for your family's Future & have more time to spend with them

Creating financial freedom doesn’t have to mean spending eons of time away from your family. We teach how to make smart decisions financially—leaving more funds in the bank and more hours with those you love.

Get a Personalized Financial Plan

Private, one-on-one coaching sessions make all the difference! These sessions are designed to get your business finances in order and give you the confidence and peace of mind you need to implement the personalized financial plan of action you’ll receive. Everything from debt management to investments—it’s all covered!

Invest for A Secure Future

Use the funds saved in taxes to invest and build wealth. Finally get ahead with instruction on how to invest for a financially secure future.   

Achieve the financial goals you've been talking about for years

NOW is the time to stop talking about getting ahead but to finally reach those “unreachable” financial goals.

Partner With Us To Scale to 6-Figures +

Here is where it happens! This course contains everything your business needs to GROW and THRIVE!

We don’t just teach this game-changing information—we provide ongoing, personalized support for an entire year to help you achieve their financial goals. 

Ready To Start Scaling?

This limited-enrollment program starts on Tuesday, May 31, 2022!

"I thought tax strategies and advantages were only for wealthy people looking for a tax write-off...

What's Included:

✔️ One-on-one, 30-minute strategy sessions each week during the course to make sure you are on track  to reach your specific goal

✔️  Course workbook and unlimited access to our online course portal of class recordings to catch up or rewatch.

✔️ Small, limited-enrollment class to receive focused attention and personalized details including live Q&A sessions

✔️ Ongoing support and accountability including private coaching sessions, weekly office hours, and membership to our private online group for personalized assistance




Frequently Asked Questions

The program will begin in September 2023 with orientation, your initial session with your Finance Coach, and other activities to get you started. Then, live classes will begin on Tuesday the first week in October 2023 and continue every Tuesday for 14 weeks.  

The 6-Figure Scale Program includes 14 weeks of live, virtual trainings that are about 50 minutes each. 

If you are unable to make any live classes, you will have access to the recordings in our online program course portal. 

Also included are 30 minute private one-on-one coaching sessions (18 appointments total) that will be scheduled with our team of experts during the 1-year program. These sessions are designed to guide and support you as you apply the lessons and strategies taught in class.  

There is one class per week for 14 weeks. Each class is about 50 minutes.

All students receive access to the course recordings in our online portal to catch up or re-watch when it’s convenient for them. The videos will be available for the duration of the 1 year program.

No problem, just let us know as soon as possible and we will make other dates and times available for you. You will be able to reschedule your appointment for up to 1 weeks following your original appointment.

Yes, a payment plan is available!

You have the option of starting payments now or after the program begins.  

If you have questions, please email pam@cpennies.com. 

The payment of $497 to save your spot in the program and secure a $2,097 discount is not refundable. 

Any other payments you make towards the program before the program starts are 100% refundable. 

Plus, after the program starts we allow a short time for you to test the program and still be able to request a refund if the program isn’t right for you. Only the deposit is non-refundable. 

Have questions? Email Pam at Pam@cpennies.com.

“I cannot say enough about the Finance Academy. The one-on-ones were amazing!...

They allowed me to take what was taught in the class and apply it to my own situation and I’m in a better place since the Finance Academy!” —Keturah L.

